Monday, 15 April 2013

Naan Bread Recipe

I love flat breads! They can add so much to a dish, yet aren't a crazy challenge to make. Sure there is some kneading involved, but overall this recipe isn't going to have you slaving in the kitchen for hours waiting for bread to rise etc. So I'm pretty sure you'll appreciate the simplicity of my naan bread recipe. This goes well with my Murgh Jalfrezi recipe by the way and many other dishes.
It is also worth noting that I always use soy milk when milk is required in a recipe but I'm sure you can use cows milk just fine. Just encase there are slight consistency differences in the dough, don't panic.


  • 250g/9oz plain flour
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • 130ml soy milk / milk
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil, plus extra for greasing
  • nigella seeds


For the dough, sift the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder into a bowl. In another bowl, mix together the milk and oil.
Make a "well" in the centre of the flour mixture and pour in the liquids. Slowly mix together the dough by working from the centre and incorporating the flour from the edges of the well. The dough should be smooth in consistency and soft. Now knead the dough well for 8-10 minutes on a lightly floured surfaced. If the dough is a bit too sticky, had a little more flour as needed.
Place the dough into a lightly oiled bowl and cover with a damp tea-towel. Leave in a warm place for 10-15 minutes to rest. Form the dough into five balls.
Preheat the grill/pan to medium heat. Roll the dough balls out quite thinly, ideally in a teardrop shape, but it doesn't actually matter. Sprinkle over your chosen topping (nigella seeds) and press into the surface of the dough( you might want to give a light rolling to help them really press in). Place the naans onto the hot baking sheet and grill for just 1-2 minutes, or until lightly browned. Serve!


"If you can't find nigella seeds (or you just don't like them) you can use poppy seeds or sesame seeds instead"

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